우분투에서 xencenter를 사용하는 방법이다.

우선 xencenter 를 다운 받자


다운로드 경로 : http://sourceforge.net/projects/openxenmanager/files/latest/download?source=dlp

apt-get install python-gtk2 glade python-gtk-vnc python-glade2

tar xvfvzopenxenmanager_rev48.tar.gz -C /opt

vi /usr/bin/xenmanager

python /opt/openxenmanager/window.py &

$ sudo chmod 755 /usr/bin/xenmanager

To launch OpenXenManager, just type the following:

$ xenmanager

The screenshot of OpenXenManager looks as follows.
Screenshot of OpenXenManager

도움주신 url ; http://xmodulo.com/2013/01/how-to-install-xencenter-on-linux.html

by 초보인척 2013. 7. 10. 17:25